Take advantage of the assistance for your solar panels in 2024 and save energy.

aides financières pour panneaux solaires en 2024

code réduction sunology

Hi there, future solar energy pro! If you’re here, it’s because the idea of ​​installing solar panels is on your mind. And you’re right! Not only will you be doing something for the planet, but your wallet will thank you too. In 2024, there are several financial aids to help you take the plunge. Come on, follow me, I’ll explain everything to you.

The photovoltaic self-consumption premium

The State strongly encourages self-consumption. Basically, you produce your electricity and consume it directly. To motivate you, an investment premium is put in place. Its amount depends on the power of your installation:

  • For a power ≤ 3 kWp: 260 € per kWp, so 780 € for 3 kWp.
  • For a power between 3.1 and 9 kWp: 190 € per kWp.
  • For a power between 9.1 and 36 kWp: 190 € per kWp.
  • For a power between 36.1 and 100 kWp: 100 € per kWp.

This premium is paid over five years, to give you a little regular boost.

MaPrimeRénov’: for solar thermal

If your thing is to heat your water with the sun, then MaPrimeRénov’ is for you. It concerns solar water heaters and combined solar systems (which heat water and the house). The amount varies according to your income:

  • Individual solar water heater: up to 4,000 €.
  • Combined solar system: up to 10,000 €.

Be careful, photovoltaic panels (those that produce electricity) are not eligible for MaPrimeRénov’.

Reduced rate VAT

Good news! For installations of photovoltaic solar panels with a power ≤ 3 kWp, the VAT is reduced to 10%. For solar thermal systems, it’s even better: VAT at 5.5%. It’s always nice to pay less taxes, right?

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Purchase obligation: EDF buys back your surplus

If you produce more electricity than you consume, don’t panic. EDF is required to buy back this surplus at a rate set by decree. For example, for an installation ≤ 9 kWp, the rate is 12.76 cents per kWh. It’s still something!

Eco-loan at zero interest rate (eco-PTZ)

Need financial help for your installation? The eco-PTZ allows you to borrow up to €15,000 without paying interest. Handy, isn’t it? Be careful, your home must be over two years old and the work must be carried out by a RGE certified professional.

Local aids: a little bonus

Some regions, departments, or municipalities offer additional assistance. It’s worth checking with your town hall or region. A quick phone call can pay off!

Conditions to benefit from these aids

To take advantage of these incentives, there are a few rules to follow:

  • Use a certified RGE professional (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment).
  • Do not exceed a power of 100 kWp for your installation.
  • Your home must be over two years old (except for certain aids).

Beware of scams!

Unfortunately, some opportunists try to sell you a dream with offers that seem too good to be true. Be wary of promises of free panels or panels for €1. Always check the credibility of the company and don’t sign anything without fully understanding the conditions.

In summary

In 2024, several financial aids can help you install solar panels:

  • Self-consumption premium for photovoltaic installations.
  • MaPrimeRénov’ for thermal solar systems.
  • Reduced VAT at 10% or 5.5% depending on the type of installation.
  • Purchase obligation to resell your surplus electricity.
  • Eco-PTZ to finance your project without interest.
  • Local aids according to your region or municipality.
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Ready to embark on the solar adventure? Not only will you be doing something for the planet, but you’ll also save money in the long run. And with all these aids, it’s now or never to take the leap. Go for it!

If you want to go further, check out this site.

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